a new bike

I got a new bike and went on a 5 mile bike ride. It was quite exhausting but I managed (eventually)!

Me and my sister are going to have a christmas party soon. She has invited her new friends from secondary school.

I went to the hospital last week and I do not have to wear my knee braces anymore! ;P

Being active!

Me on the swing!

Me on the swing!

Yesterday discovered I could go on the swing!  It felt great to be able to be on the swing and I was really free.  I could pump the swing by myself (I’m sure it was good exercise for my legs!)

Soon I have my Grade 1 cornet exam.  Aaahh!

Safari Park

The zebras we saw

The zebras we saw

On Monday we went to Woburn Safari Park.

First we drove round the Safari. We saw many animals;

  • Rhinos – they had a punchbag!
  • Zebras – one type had a fluffy mane.
  • Giraffes – some of them crossed the road right in front of us.
  • Monkeys – they sat on our wing mirror!

    The monkeys liked climbing on the cars!

    The monkeys liked climbing on the cars!

  • Tigers – their stripes were pretty
  • Lions – they were sleeping because it was so sunny
  • Bears – bit scarey as they were very big and quite close to the car
  • Bongos – not a drum but a type of antelope with stripes
  • Elephants – it was an Asian elephant so it had tiny ears 

On the foot safari (I was in the wheelchair – not on foot) we saw wallabies with babies in their pouches, sea lions, penguins, a peacock, lemurs and lots of others.  We also went on a train ride and saw camels up close with 2 humps.

It was a really nice day out.

Boogie Nights

On Friday I went to see Boogie Nights at NSG.

It was a show about music in the Seventies, I really liked the dancing! Some of the songs I knew but  some I didn’t, so I was learning some new songs. Some of the characters were quite funny, one of them was a girl dressed up as a boy!

School Closure

Today I had a day off school because of the snow!!!

Me and my best friend went sledging today with Mum and Dad on the big hill in our village. Soon it got busy so we went to Nigel’s farm, where we built a big igloo!  We went sledging a bit there too. The snow was really thick (it was up to my knees!) When we got back my best friend played at our house for a bit.

Pocket Cornet

I have been playing the cornet for about a year and a half now. I play with my best friend.  I have already done two music medals, Copper Medal and Bronze Medal.  My teacher said I might do my Grade One this summer (if we work really hard).  When I did my Bronze Medal I passed with Excellence.

I go to Saturday morning music school and the Head of the Music school found me a ‘pocket cornet’ which is a cornet but much smaller.  Sometimes it’s called a squashed trumpet.  I play in a band at music school and a brass band.  The pieces at band are quite hard but I practice them so I get better.


At school we are doing swimming.

I am in top group because I had swimming lessons before. Sometimes I find it difficult using a float because they are quite big.  When I used to go swimming I had a small float. We are in the deep end, last week we did pencil jumps. We had to try not to make a splash (I did!). I enjoy it so I look foward to it every week.

I am playing the guitar!

Me playing the guitar!

Me playing the guitar!

As you can see I am learning the guitar. So far I can play a B, E and F. We are all learning at school and I have got a guitar to bring home.

At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to play the guitar because my arms are too short, but the school got me a special small guitar and it is perfect!

Basketball Award

Me being awarded 'Player of the Month' by Mark Spatcher, captain of Northampton Neptunes

Me being awarded 'Player of the Month' by Mark Spatcher, captain of Northampton Neptunes

Yesterday I won ‘Player of the Month’ Award in basketball!!!!

We have points that we get when we listen and attend Neptune matches and get the technique right, and I got the most points this month. I have been to a couple of Neptunes matches, and I got an extra point for that. The first match I went to we won, but then the second match we lost. I have made a poster for the next time we go, because if your poster wins, you get a basketball signed by the whole team. I got some autographs of the players last week. I won’t be able to carry on with basketball when I’ve got my frames on, but I thought I’d enjoy it while I could.